Anthology of Welsh Disabled Writers

Bethany is working with author Megan Angharad Hunter and Lucent Dreaming to create an anthology of Welsh Disabled writers. d/Deaf and Disabled people continue to be underserved by the Welsh literary scene. This anthology will create a space to have our voices heard and to preserve our rich and diverse voices for future generations to come.

We are looking for poetry, prose and creative non-fiction from d/Deaf and Disabled writers who are Welsh and / or Wales based. Work could explore your experiences as a d/Deaf and / or Disabled person, or could be about any topic of your choosing. We believe d/Deaf and Disabled writers should have the space to write about whatever topic we choose. 

Please your submissions to by the 1st of September 2023.

Find out more at Lucent Dreaming.


Welsh Landscapes, Disability and the Myth of Personal Independence


Interview with Poetry Wales: Poetry, Ableism and Bearing Witness